Palm Pre pulled a rabbit out of its hat when it announced the WebOS powered Palm Pre. Ever since then we have seen dedicated Palm Pre fan sites, rumors, speculations, expectations and what not. Personally Palm Pre is the best iPhone competitor we have seen so far, the only one we can call a true iPhone killer.
Pre certainly manages to beat the iPhone 3G for me. With 8GB internal memory, multitouch / touch gestures, multitasking, full touch + physical QWERTY (hybrid), powerful webOS and a good camera with Video. But its no secret that the real competition would be with iPhone 3.0!
The iPhone OS 3.0 was seen as a response to the increasing competition from Android, Nokia, Palm … and Apple might just raise the bar a little for all of them. The recently leaked iPhone Pro / 3.0 specs looks quite convincing. From Ram to CPU horsepower, memory to the camera everything gets enough boosts to leave the competition behind. So would Palm Pre beat the iPhone?
iPhone 3G – YES (with OS 3.0 even iPhone 3G would compete much better)
3rd Gen iPhone Pro / 3.0? NO!
Some factors to consider:
- Apple is certainly moving to 32GB iPhone. Pre is still at 8GB
- SMS forwarding, MMS, Video editing, Bluetooth P2p these are coming in iPhone 3
- PRE doesn’t come with a killer pricing, its the same as iPhone: $199. In fact the plans are expensive compared to what AT&T offers for iPhone.
- App store !
The biggest advantage for the Pre would be multitasking and QWERTY. Hope that’s enough to keep the Palm fans happy for now
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